DHC-2 Beaver

[Click to enlarge]

Photo of similar plane.

This build of a quarter scale DeHavilland DHC-2 Beaver on floats with a wing span of 242cm (95") will hang from the ceiling of my workshop. I'm starting with a partial kit from Martin Rousseau, www.mraerodesign.com from Quebec, Canada. I built a Cessna 185 on floats from his catalog.

A bit of history on the DHC-2 Beaver

Follow the construction below

Okay the mail lady delivered a big box of good stuff this morning.

Completed the checklist to make sure I received everything.

Couldn't wait to start the construction.

The vertical fin partly completed. It was a good first day..

Vertical fin done. I'll shape the leading edge later.

Getting started on the rudder next.

Building up and shaping tip of rudder.

Vertical fin & rudder done.

Horizonal Stabilizer next on the bench.

Horizonal Stabilizer ready for sheeting.

Lots of pieces for the elevators. Like a jigsaw puzzel.

Elevators ready for sheeting.

Trailing edge added to elevators. Next is the tips and lots of sanding.

Backed up to sheet the Horizontal stabilizers.

The tail surfaces done and ready for fabric.

Somewhere in all this mess is an airplane.

Dry fitting rear part of fuselage.

Port side of rear fuselage assembled & glued. Statbilizer support installed.

Rear portion of fuselage done and ready for sheeting.

Dry fitting the lower cabin area of the fuselage.

Trying the upper cabin area for fit.

I'll hang the fuselage up for awhile.

Working on the flaps, ailerons & wing on left side.

The flaps, ailerons & wing on right side.

Ailerons completed. Ready for fabric.

Being a hanger I designed this to lock ailerons & flaps.

Completing the rear cabin interior.

Fitting the rear doors.

Dry fitting the tail assembly to the fuselage.

Installing the fibreglass Tail Cap.

Starting to sheet the fuselage working towards rhe rear.

Sides & bottom sheeted ready for fabric.

Building a Dorsal Fin.

Dorsal Fin complete.

Rear portion of fuselage comleted, ready for fabrick.

Left side front door frame completed.

Right front door frame completed.

Right wing ready for sheeting.

Left wing on the bench. Making sure the tube lines up.

Both wings sheeted and ready for fabric. Wing tips being fitted.

Installing the tube sheath.

Installing the tube to hold the wings.

Looks more like a plane ...

Fitting the doors.

Preparing the windscreen.

Fitting rear cowl.

Workspace is shrinking.

Last of the sheeting completed, ready for fabric.

Motor mount and front cowl support.

Entire fuselage covered with Oratex fabric. Just the wings and floats to go.

Up in the air. As close to flying as it will ever get.

Left side wing strut. I don't like it!!!!. Will have to come up with something else.

My new wing struts. Hardwood core. I'm adding balsa to leading and trailing edges
then shaping to streamline, then fabric.

My new wing struts. Hardwood core. I like these better.

New wing struts installed

Installing the (removeable) rear cowl.

Okay, they say summer is around the corner. Time to dust off rge model and get to work ...
There's snow in them thar hills. Time to put the plane to bed.

Covering the steel rods in balsa.

Covering the steel rods in balsa.

Test mounting the floats.

Test mounting the floats.

Fitting the front cowl.

Installing front cowling.

Cowling view from the rear showing openings.

Fitting the windscreen.

Windscreen finished.

Floats, float spreader bars & Landing gear fabric complete.

Okay, she's up on her floats.

Building a 9 cylinder rotary engine, if I can make it look somewhat realistic.

More to come . . .

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Terrace B.C. Canada

Email:   alan@sandercott.ca