August 11, 2007



  • WE OFFER Undeveloped GOLD, SILVER, COPPER and other Base Metal claims recently researched and found to be very attractive offerings.

  • OUR EXPLORATION COMPANY conducts Grass Roots research into the Re-Discovery of mining prospects from the 19th and 20th century periods.

  • In excess of 80% of BRITISH COLUMBIA'S CROWN LAND is open for the discovery of over 12,000 known mineral discoveries from the past century and beyond.


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     Going at FIRE SALE PRICES     

Here are just some of what we call the best:

  •   40 high value gold and copper claims situated in the centre of Valdez Island in the limestone belt. Exciting gold and copper values from .57 oz to 27 oz per tonne (that is twenty seven ounces per tonne). Easy access to all amenities and close to water transport and Tacoma smelter. Looking for a developer. Serious clients only.

  •   40 plus claims of pure white high quality limestone. 5.4 million tonne proven. close to Port McNeil on north end of Vancouver Island. All amenities, good roads, easy access. Open to Offers. Satelite Photos available. If you have access to Google Earth© go to 127º 03' 47"   50º 33' 25" to view property & surrounding area.

  •   40 plus limestone claims near Victoria BC. High quality. Open to serious clients only.

  •   Uranium property near Osoyoos BC. Interesting values. Open to offers.

  •   One Billion Short Tonnes high purity Gypsum. Open Pit mining. Net Value over 11 Billion Dollars. Open to Offers. Contruction industry needs me.


The following are new acquisitions. Available immediately.

Juno - Slocan - PB ZN AG AU - 18 cells - Well defined quartz vein 1.4 grams Gold, 600 grams Silver, 29% Lead, 29.8% Zinc, over a 12 meter addit.

Copper Queen - Skeena - AG, ZN, PB, Cu, AU, to be determined - 223 grams Silver, 1% Copper, 7% Lead, 11% Zinc, Area mineralized approx 600 meter by 30 meters.

Gold Mountain - Underground exploration Gold values 27 grams per ton.

Golden Nugget - 24 cells - 91 centimetre vein - 25 grams Gold.

Big 4 - Lead, Zinc, Silver, Gold, Copper - Area to be determined - 246 grams AG, 34% PB, 3% Zinc, Trace of Gold and Copper.

Surprise - Silver, Lead, Gold and Copper - 14.5 grams Gold, 411.4 grams Silver, 12% Lead.

All values indicated are on a per tonne ore basis.


Special acquisitions available.

Rio –Grande - Mining division similkameen - A chip sample assayed 14 grams of silver per tonne1.2% lead 1.2 zinc another sample contained .07 grams of gold 463 grams of silver 28% lead and 2% zinc all figures per tonneof ore. Easy to get to.

Ash 2 - Mining division Similkameen - showing in packers creek. Molybdenite content of these bodies varies up to 3% from a low of .50%

Bank - Mining division Skeena - GOLD l lead and zinc plus copper Largest vein shows 1.37 grams AU over 0.38 meters quartz vein showed 5.07 grams Gold over .5 meters and close by another chip sample showed assay of 15.77 grams of GOLD all value are per tonne of ore.


The following are available on a first come first serve; Exciting new finds of GOLD”.

Big Horn - Silver 5.40 grams /T, Gold 6.17gr/T Copper .09 % Tungsten .004% Zinc 010% all values per tonne ore

Keystone - Copper, silver Gold, Channel sample assayed 27.6 gram silver 2.68% copper 0.5 grams gold . All values per tonne of ore

Peggy says - Lead zinc silver and Gold. Open cut showed 3,25% lead .4% zinc 10.3 grams silver 0.7grams gold all values per tonn of ore

Hughes - selected grab samples assayed up to 1540 grams silver .84% lead .68ggrams gold. All vaules per tonne of ore. PDF report available.


Previous Listings available.

Beach 4 claim group in Alberni MD assay analyses not available, Gold bearing, heavily mineralized quartz veins are reported to intrude Bonanza volcanics, accessable by water.

Excelsior 4 claim group in Vernon MD previously known as the south fork of cherry creek about 32 Km SE of Lumby, A quartz vein about 20 centimeters wide contains argentiferous galena, The vein was found on the surface Sampling showed a WHOPPING 4113.6 grams per tonne Silver

Ash2 4 claim group in Similkameen MD Mineralization outcrops sporadically along the SE bank of Packers Creek over a length of 500 meters, These bodies are enclosed in Kaolinite and ferrimolybdenite, occurring as fine disseminations and along quartz fractures. The molybdenite content of these bodies varies up to 3% and is reported be average about .50% also numerous dykes of chalcopyrite.

Bankm 4 claim group in Skeena MD, Large vein, 2 by 0,38 meters, assayed 1.37 grams of gold per tonne over .38 meters. Apyeitic quartz vein 200 meters to the south assayed 5.07 grams of gold over 0.50 meters and 0.08 meter chip sample of a vein, 700 meters to the north, assayed 15.77 grams of gold per tonne.
If you snooze you lose on this one.

Sunset 4 claim group in Nanaimo MD, 2 tunnels 45 feet and 80 feet and each 30 foot winzes, Results have been very pleasing, no further information available but there was plans to start another tunnel to tap a continuous showing of copper.

Rio Grande, lucky strike 4 claim group in the Similkameen MD, A zone containing narrow stringers of massive galena, A chip sample taken across the zone assayed trace of gold, 14 grams of silver and 1.2% zinc a selected sample of galena assayed 0.7 grams of gold, 463 grams of silver and 28% lead and 2% zinc

Gold Mountain in Similkameen MD In 1913 a 25 centimetere sample taken across a vein yielded 0.68 grams of gold per tonne and a trace of silver, A hand selected sample analized at 14.40 grams of gold 685 grams of silver per tonne and 4% copper . 6 claims in this group.
Prospector thinks this is a SLEEPER as it is in a highly active mining area

EUREKA Omenica MD sampled 11.2% Molybdenum over a 30 meter zone. And a trace of Gold, Deposit near Terrace BC.

ESP Alberni MD Assessment work showed values in COPPER of from .75% to 28.12% Massive Chalcopyrite over 122 meters.

DAWN Nanaimo MD, Sample from the bottom of 5.5 meter shaft (1921) assayed at 27.424 per tonne silver , 4.4% copper and traces of Gold.

SUNSET Nanaimo MD Quartz Vein assayed 14,3976 Gr silver 2.69% Copper additional assay of 6% Copper (1901)

The above listed prospects are the result of a 5 year study of the mineral occurances in the province of British Columbia and are considered deposits of great interest but are called GRASS ROOTS and high risk ventures with forward looking statements, But that is the way all large mining companies got their start. Initial investments are very small but the rewards can be astronomical. Good luck, I have been a prospector for over 50 years amid some successes presently working on 2 small prospects that have turned out to be BIG ONES….

Remember Mother nature has a strange way of hiding her riches and it is up to you to search for them, It has been TRULY great Fun and most Profitable. Good Luck, ( 80 years young and still lovin it)



PERLITE DEPOSIT READY TO MINE, potential customer base . Near Burns Lake BC. Probable 5 million Tonnes or more. Looking for an Operator. Great terms.   

Lost Mine (1902 Discovery) Now located Indicating large deposit of GOLD AND COPPER FOR OVER 1KM, OPEN FOR OPTION AGREEMENT GREAT TERMS



THERE IS AN OLD SAYING (You snooze, You Lose)



SOLD  Property Name RAVEN, One drill section indicated 6.17 gramms Gold, over 2 meters, further quartz vein assayed 682.5 gramms GOLD, Visible gold on surface on significant widths. 2 samples yielded 55.13 grams gold and 57.70 grams gold over 50 centimeters These values all per tonne of ore

SOLD  Property Name GOLD PLACER, 1 only large claim next to old producer of 14.500.00 grams of gold in 1936, This one is situated less than a 1000 feet from old production, Easy Access Close to Lumby BC.

SOLD  Property Name WOSS LAKE 4, claim group in Alberni MD assay analyses 85.76 gr silver per tonne,1.00 gr gold. 16.60% copper massive chalco pyrite vein. Geological report available

SOLD  Property Name GEO, in the Alberni MD, Mineralization occurs over a 53 meter with a maximum of 5 meters, A sample from a location described as being at an elevation of 137 meters, 487 meters distance from Taahsis Inlet, assayed 8.2 grams of gold per tonne, 34 grams silver 9% copper and 14.0% zinc, Another reported sample from an elevation of 457 meters further north 5.5 grams of gold per tonne 51.5 grams of silver and 16% copper, A sample shipment of ore 680 tonnes assayed 6.17 grams of gold per tonne 13.72 grams of silver per tonne and 5.2% copper, Geirge Cross news letter reports May 1985 diamond drill results that include 3.5 meters of 6.1 grams of gold per tonne and 5.85% copper

SOLD  Name of Claim PLATO #2 Nanaimo MD Sampled over 30 centimeters assayed 51.34 Gr of GOLD,to the Tonne, 10.29 Gr silver to the Tonne, and 1%Zinc. Another sample over 30 centimeters assayed a whopping 926 grams of GOLD and 103 GR of Silver to the Tonne. There are 2 deep shafts assaying very good values.

SOLD  Name of Claim, EXTRA 2.3 KM NW of Tahsis BC. High grade sampling showed 10.8 Gr of GOLD per Tonne, 38.7 Gr silver per Tonne and 7.97% copper. Analyses At Best assay 3 to 10 Gr of Gold per /tone 38.7 Gr Silver and 14.7 % Copper other values some lower and some locations the same.

SOLD  Property Name PESO Victoria MD ASSESSMENT work assayed at 25.37 Gr per Tonne GOLD, 9.6 Gr SILVER per Tonne exposed in road cuts of over 50 meters in widths.

SOLD  Property Name WFP7 Nanaimo MD 1 KM S SW OF Sept Lake On Quadra Island BC, Typical Trench sample taken in 1975 assayed at 17.69 Gr of Gold 8.3 Gr of silver and 0.30 %Copper Further sampling reported in (1972) 158.0 Gr, of Gold per Tonne 61.2 gr of Silver per Tonne and 0.92 % Copper HURRY ON THIS ONE.

SOLD  Property Name WFP 22 Nanaimo MD Surface sampling and drill core results assay 4.05 Gr Gold per Tonne, 13.03 Gr silver per Tonne and 0.02% Copper

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