Pacific Rim Realty, Burns Lake, B.C.
Phone 250-692-3558


Sales Agents Property Listings Our Services Burns Lake Info Return To Homepage

  • Pacific Rim Realty is privately owned and operated by Real Estate Agent Eric Saugstad of Burns Lake BC. They handle both Commercial & Residential real estate throughout the Lakes District. Bank foreclosures. Mortgage foreclosures.

  • The agency is located downtown Burns Lake BC.
    #335 Highway 16 West. PO Box 1173,
    Burns Lake, British Columbia, Canada, V0J 1E0.
    Click for a map of our location

  • Phone: 250-692-3558
    Cell: 250-692-6078
    Fax: 250-692-4143

  • We specialize in waterfront including Burns Lake, Francois Lake, Babine Lake, Ootsa Lake & many others.

  • We also have a nice selection of Residential, Commercial & Undeveloped property listings.

  • The Lakes District has over 1000 lakes with unlimited natural outdoor scenery, hunting, fishing and recreational potential.

  • You will also find a few Commercial Properties from around the Province of BC.
  MLS #N191268
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MLS #N191268

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Payne Ranch

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