light line


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light line

First five planks installed. Now the tapering begins.

Closing in on the keel :-)

Certainly uses a lot of planks!!

Whew! Finally finished the first planking.

Glueing the bulwarks into place.

Closing in the stern with walnut planking.

Lower stern planking done. Now dry-fitting open gallery deck & upper gallery bulkhead.

Gallery deck planked with Tanganijka wood and sealed. Fwd bulkhead facia ready for painting.

Gun ports marked on the hull ready for cutting. Sure hope I'm right!!

Starboard side lower gun ports carved out.

That's not paint. It's my blood!! Must be more carefull.

I built a tube to insert as lining for the gun ports. I got the idea from Hartmut's build of the same ship on an online forum.

I used 3 tubes so so I could work on one while the others dried.

Lower gundeck ports done.

Gun ports on the main & lower gundecks now lined and painted.

I built a wall rack to hold all the wood strips, keeps me more organized.

Forward bulkhead facia done. Excuse the fine sawdust flecks in the photo.

The open stern gallery deck c/w facia in place.

Second planking the hull with walnut.

. . .

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