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Still planking . . seems to take forever!!

Finally, second planking completed on the port side, ready for coppering.
On the down side I still have the starboard side to finish but I think I'm winning.

Spent some time planking & painting inner bulkheads on the main deck. Finished & painted maindeck gunports.

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Second planking completed. Next will be the hull's copper plates.

Copper plates being attached to the hull, heading for the waterline.

Using a highly sophisticated tool to mark the waterline . . ..

The copper plating is progressing, slow but sure, if I don't go cross-eyed first.

Moved my operation indoors where it's warmer.

Warning of things to come.

Port side copper clading done. I am going to install a black 2x2mm batten to terminate the copper along the waterline.

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Finally!! The body of the hull is coppered.

Applying the finishing touches of copper to the keel & posts.

The rudder is the last of the copper cladding. Yeah!!

Currently working on the Quarter Galleries.

It's hard to stay indoors on a day like this.

Port side Quarter Gallery almost finished.

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Website Design & Maintenance by: Alan A Sandercott - Terrace B.C. Canada
Copyright 2008-2023 Alan A Sandercott