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Aft gun port doors applied closed.

Preparing gun port doors for the lower gun deck.

Pin rails installed to hold the belaying pins.

Outer hull ladders and fenders installed.

Today I managed to install the rudder after much thought, trial and error.

Both catheads installed & painted.

Installed three temporary masts to give the ship some perspective.
It may be spring before I can raise the masts and start rigging.

Decisions, decisions???

Awoke to snow this morning. Darn, now I have to stay in my den and work on my ship :-)

All channels c/w their dead-eyes installed.

. . .

Winter arrived with a fury overnight.
It looks like it's here to stay.

Hooking up the chain plates under the dead-eyes.
Will need a lick of paint to cover the brass nails.

A couple of Agamemnon's 490 odd crew members.
The crew figures are scaled at 1:64 same as the ship.

Sitting down on the job tying a sheep shank knot.

Captain's on the bridge."Steady as she goes".

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Website Design & Maintenance by: Alan A Sandercott - Terrace B.C. Canada
Copyright 2008-2023 Alan A Sandercott