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light line

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light line

Working on Rat Lines!! I hate 'em. And there's a lot of 'em.
This is going to take awhile.

Oops!! I messed up on the mizzen mast lower shourds.
So, I have to redo them before I carry on with the rat lines.
The lower main & fore masts are finished however.

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I'm over half finished with the rat lines. I've been tying clove hitches in my sleep.
I think I need a break!

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I keep an Aquarium DVD running in the background to help combat the boredom of tying rat lines. It works :-)

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Just when I thought spring was here!! Maybe I'll stay indoors and finish the rat lines.

Last of the ratlines!!!!! Finally, I can get back to the fun part of model ship building :-)

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Tying down some of the support lines from high on the masts.

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Securing the main stay & preventer lines. Getting ready for the drop tackle to the boat deck.

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Finished the drop tackle to the boat deck. Now I have some work to do on the bow.

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Made & installed the two boomkins today.

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Finished the spritsail yard arm.

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Cut all doweling for yards, stunsail yards, crossjack yard plus mizzen boom & gaff.
Now all I have to do is shape & finish them. More of that fine sawdust stuff.

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Too much sawdust to work here in my den. Will have to shelve the Agamemnon untill I can move back out into my workshop.
In the meantime I've put the HMS Bounty back on the workbench.
I've blackened all the running lines and now I'm going to blacken the shrouds and rat lines.
That should keep me busy for a while. HMS Bounty Build

Okay, the HMS Bounty is finished and now I have the Agamemnon back on the bench . . .

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Time to add a few more crew to the ship's compliment.

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Fitting the main yard arm.

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Back in my outside workshop during the afternoons, when it's warm, when the sun shines.

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Main yard arm is finished and installed. More rigging to come.

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Lower fore yard arm is finished and in place. Just have to run the lines.

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Cross jack & mizzen top and top gallent yards in place. I'm getting confused with all the different rigging lines !!

The construction continues . . .

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Copyright 2008-2023 Alan A Sandercott